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Skincare Products with Cannabinoids

As the stigma behind cannabis continues to be waning throughout society, everyday products we use for various ailments are being infused or replaced with different cannabinoids. One area that has seen a large increase in CBD-related products is skincare and dermatology.

The estimated global market size of CBD skin care is $2.4 million and is projected to grow over 20% from 2025-2030. This is a massive, yet still-emerging market that, like most cannabis products, requires more education to the public as well as research to hone the potential benefits.

Currently, the way most doctors treat skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, dry skin, and other inflammatory skin conditions is with anti-inflammatory agents such as corticosteroids. These topical steroids do have potential side effects, especially on delicate skin areas like around the eyes and armpits. If CBD can mirror the anti-inflammatory properties of these steroids without the potential harm, it could become even more widespread.

Like most claims in the cannabis space, more research is needed to confirm and tailor the exact benefits of these cannabinoids. However, the research conducted so far is promising. Small studies have shown that both topical and oral use of CBD-rich products have reduced inflammation and redness, resulting in the drastic decrease in corticosteroid use.

The current classification of cannabis as a Schedule 1 narcotic severely hinders the research needed to come to a medical consensus as to the dosage, method, and type of cannabinoid to use for specific inflictions. Medical researchers are optimistic that with the potential rescheduling, the technological advances in extraction, and the public demand for more natural CBD products will help push the necessary research forward.

Giving the public a more holistic option in skin care and other dermatological needs will benefit everyone, and hopefully be available in greater variety soon.

By Stephen Freedman

Freedman is the Regional Manager of the ERBA Markets, the WOODS, West LA, Venice, Culver City, and WeHo. Visit

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