Here are some general tips from the SSA Security Group, Inc. to keep in mind.
• During the periods that you are home, continue to shut and lock your doors and windows unless they are under constant surveillance.
• Make your home look occupied, and make it difficult to break in.
• Lock all outside doors and windows before you leave the house or go to bed. Even if it is for a short time – lock your doors.
• Keep entry gates (sides and driveway) shut and locked.
• Leave lights on when you go out. If you are going to be away for a length of time, connect some lamps to automatic timers to turn them on in the evening and off during the day.
• Keep your garage door closed and locked.
• Never leave notes on your door such as “Gone shopping.”
• When moving to a new home, have all the locks changed.
• Lawn mowers, barbecues, and bicycles are best stored out of sight.
• Have adequate exterior lighting. A motion-sensitive light is recommended for backyards.
• Trim trees and shrubs so they cannot be used as hiding plaes for intruders.
• Alarm systems are only useful when you remember to activate them. Activate the system whenever your home is vacant, even for a few minutes.
To find out about the SSA Security Service for business and residential areas, call 818-773-5600.