The Pier’s 115- year story is fascinating, a true roller coaster ride of incredible peaks and seemingly unconquerable valleys. Its cast of characters includes a bevy of heroes, some widely praised and others unsung, as well as a few dastardly villains. Actually, let’s refer to them as misguided. Its chapters include threats, both environmental and political, with the Pier not only surviving, but ultimately thriving as the victor. The tale makes for great theater with important lessons about resilience and perseverance.
For the past many years, I have been the faithful keeper and narrator of the Pier’s story, research-ing, learning, and then sharing and writing about it. You may be familiar with my book Santa Monica Pier: A Century on the Last Great Pleasure Pier, which was recently praised by the Los Angeles Times as a book that every Angeleno should have on their coffee table. All humility aside, I agree with the Times!
Whether you have read the book or not, or whether you intend to buy a copy and read it or not, there is now another way to learn the story: the Santa Monica Pier Corporation’s new free program, A Talk Through Pier History.
A Talk Through Pier History is a companion to our historical walking tour program, A Walk Through Pier History which we launched in 2023. The “Talk” presents the linear timeline of the Pier’s story from its modest beginning to the present day, and the “Walk” is a journey that shows participants what happened where. Both are fully enriching, great fun, and highly educational.
The first A Talk Through Pier History will take place on Thursday, February 13 at 6 p.m. inside the Looff Hippodrome (200 Santa Monica Pier). If you wish to attend, please RSVP to info@santamonicapier.org
If the February 13 date doesn’t work for you, don’t worry, for I will be doing these “Talks” on a regular basis and will announce more dates soon. Please visit our website: santamonicapier.org to learn about all of our wonderful programs.
I’m looking forward to seeing you at the Pier.
By Jim Harris
Jim Harris is the Executive Director of the Santa Monica Pier Corporation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the preservation, enhancement, and curation of the pier visitor experience, as well as an accomplished author and playwright.